Illinois is worth protecting.

The Illinois 30x30 Coalition advocates for state policy that aligns with the international 30x30 campaign (conservation of 30% of land and water by 2030) to create an equitable, biodiverse, and climate-resilient Illinois for everyone.

Who we are

We are composed of organizations including but not limited to environmental organizations, outdoor recreation advocates, land trusts, water and land stewards, community-based organizations, and the agricultural community collaborating on a shared goal of supporting biodiversity and mitigating climate change in ways that advance racial justice.

What we do

Maximize environmental protection

Hold decision makers accountable for their votes

Ensure favorable legislative and rulemaking decisions

Why we do this work . . .

Why we do this work . . .

Less than 4% land protected in Illinois.

75% of Illinois land is in agriculture.

But only 4% of the food consumed in the state is grown in Illinois.

Illinois ranks 44th in public land ownership.

Innovations in reducing greenhouse gas emissions combined with nature-based climate solutions offer a unique opportunity to address climate change, restore biodiversity, and build more resilient, healthy communities by promoting conservation and improved land management actions that avoid greenhouse gas emissions or increase carbon storage.

By focusing in on key pillars as our common goals, we are able to gather momentum with like-minded stakeholders and key members of Illinois’s communities.

Our theory of change is community-oriented policy development.

We want to create solutions

for the community, by the community.

Our Pillars

Create more parks and safe outdoor opportunities in nature-deprived communities. Incentivize and reward the voluntary conservation efforts of fishers, ranchers, farmers, and forest owners. Expand collaborative conservation of fish and wildlife habitats and corridors.

Open Space

All Illinois communities are resilient to climate-change fueled flood impacts through reliance on multi-benefit projects that improve public safety, social equity, biodiversity, water quality, water security, and quality of life.


Every Illinois resident has access to healthy, environmentally sustainable, and ethically sourced food and their rights to produce their own food remain intact.

Local Food

Illinois-based farm operators have the information and resources to deploy holistic farming practices that improve soil and water quality, increase/promote carbon capture and maintain the economic well-being of the rural farm community.

Sustainable Agriculture


Create jobs by investing in restoration and resilience.


Communities will be thoroughly resourced to lead decision-making in their community.

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